Access the Open Access datasets for each supply chain
For each supply chain there is a small number of datasets that have a mere example function.
To receive additional datasets of interest, please send a special request email as described below:
- Consult the list of datasets that you find at this link (click here) and verify which are the datasets of your interest, each dataset is accompanied by an identification number
2. Send an email to request the complete datasets to the address (Insert in Cc the address
In the subject of the email specify THE SUPPLY CHAIN of the datasets for which the request is being made
Example: SUBJECT: Request to send data PANE supply chain
In the body of the email identify the datasets that you would like to receive using the identification number present in the dataset list previously consulted
Example: I would like to receive datasets number 1, 22, 34 and 53
The data will be transmitted within 48 hours of receiving the request email
Here you will find some examples of product datasets